Frequently asked Questions

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Promotions and Marketing


Promotions and Marketing

Is there a Social Media account I can follow?

Yes you can follow and engage with on Twitter and on Instagram

How can I be Promoted on the Sheer Social Media account?

1 – Send us one or two videos or pictures. Keep it sexy but safe for work. Topless maximum. 

2 – Send us the link to your Twitter profile

3 – Mention your sheer profile in your bio or website on Twitter

4 – Follow us on Twitter and Instagram

5 – Repost

How to create promotional content and trailers within Sheer.

Promo content and trailer creation tool

Sheer has now made it super easy for you to create promotional content from your videos to maximize consumer reach!

  • Create Custom trailers and teasers for your videos
  • Create promotional SFW safe for work  videos
  • Create promotional NSFW not safe for Work  videos

To access the new tool simply click Preview above your full-length video in the
Content edit form, and click the button Create Promo Content at the bottom left of your video.

Instructions for using the Tool

  • Your original content can be seen on the left side of the screen
  • Use the slider on the right side to choose fragments from your video
  • The fragments that will be included will be highlighted in blue
  • The Play button next to each fragment selector plays that fragment
  • To add a new fragment click the + symbol
  • To move fragments up and down the timeline use the arrows
  • To delete a fragment click the trash icon to the right of each fragment
  • Your selected fragments can be previewed in the video to the left.

Once you are ready the export functions are as follows

Create Trailer ButtonThis creates a free promotional trailer/teaser and attaches it to your current content form.

Create Free Video ContentThis creates a brand new free video from your sourced content and opens a new content form. There you can choose SFW or NSFW according to your purpose.

Maximize your reach on Sheer and its Network of connected sites with promotional content!

How can I enable the Social Media Integration?

For full details on the Social media integration please click on the Social tab at the top of the account settings information page here