- Connect with Sheer Support
- Communicate with your subscribers and fanbase
- Sell photos and videos via pay-per-content
- Promote your Membership offer
- Sell vault content
- Create automated messages for various customer segments
- Utilize mass messaging to promote and sell to subscribers
- By default the price field is hidden, unless you select some content.
- Select photos or videos you want to add to the message via local file or vault.
- Set a price – optional. No price means the content is free. If a price is set. It will also be used as the default price for that specific content.
- Add a message – optional.
- Clicking on send will create the content and add the message to the conversation.
Snapshot of the chat Interface – No content selected
Snapshot of the chat Interface – Content selected
These features can greatly increase interactions between you and your customers. To start using these features click the smiley chat bubble just above your followers sector
You will have the option to choose between Mass message and Auto message as seen below. Depending on your choice an overlay will appear with configuration options.
Mass message feature
This enables you to to automate the sending of messages to qualified recipients
for sales and promotion of your Sheer content and offers. This can greatly help to increase your
earned revenue.
IMPORTANT – This feature is only for Sheer content. Promotion of external urls or brands will
be flagged and can lead to account suspension.
- The STATS button
switches the feature display to Campaign history which has all the campaigns and their respective stats listed.
- Clicking a tag allows you to effectively target the contacts who will receive the message. When you choose a recipient tag an estimation will appear.
- The ‘nickname’ button
lets you personalise each message with the contact’s nickname in the text editor.
- The price button
allows you to override the default price of the vault content.
- The attachment button
enables you to choose existing vault content or create a new one.
- The delay button
lets you set a specific date and hour to send the message.
- The send button
has a couple of options when clicked.
– If a date is specified, the message is saved and set for delivery on that date. You can then find it in the campaign history panel.
– If there isn’t a date, the message sending process begins immediately.
- Click the new message button
to create a new mass message from within the panel history.
- Clicking a nickname title will enable you to see the mass message details that were sent with that campaign.
- Clicking the duplicate button
creates a new mass message with all details and options from that campaign pre-filled. You can then further modify the campaign. This can save you some time in case your mass messages are similar, or you want to send to another group of recipients.
You can configure a message for the following scenarios
- A new follower
- A new customer
- A new member
- Expired membership
- Canceled membership
- PPV purchase
- Tip sent
- Tip greater than (You specify the amount)
- Amount spent (You specify the amount)
- The stats button
switches the feature display to Campaign history.
- Click Event to choose the event type for which you would like to create an Auto message.
- The ‘nickname’ button
lets you personalise each message with the contact’s nickname in the text editor.
- The price button
allows you to override the default price of the vault content.
- The attachment button
enables you to choose existing vault content or create a new one.
- Clicking the send button
effectively saves and enables the auto message. You can find these saved Auto message campaigns by clicking the STATS button and entering Campaign history.

● Edit the details of an existing auto message by clicking the title of the Auto message. The display switches to the message form for editing. Alternatively you can click Edit .
● Enable or disable an auto message with the state enable toggle .
You can also see how much a Fan has spent on you in the chat interface sidebar and heading.
Sidebar – By hovering over the revenue bubble you will see sales for PPC, subs(membership), and tips.
Heading – You will see PPC, subs(membership), and tips + how many months they have subscribed to your membership and how many months total.
Our Team will work to promote you while your audience grows, helping you make money from day 1!
With memberships, ppv, premium video, adshare and custom content options, you can choose how you want to sell your brand with the confidence that it won’t be taken down for being too sexy!
Can’t find what you are looking for? Contact Support